About Me

As a Storyteller—in my novels or short stories—or a Poet or Photographer or Educator, seeing (and listening) and expressing what I see and hear, are key ways that I show up in the world. As a published author of seven books, numerous short stories, articles, and blogs, a published poet and a photographer fortunate to see his images shown (and sold) in fine art galleries, my vision and my voice have helped to create and define my place in the world, both as an artist and a human being . . .

This site is called 'Daniel’s Eye' and is about giving voice to vision, about passion and perspective on both the world within and without.  It’s a place to express what I imagine, what I see—and hear—when I look and listen carefully, deeply, mindfully—and to offer what I create from that seeing and listening . . .

How to give voice to vision has also been at the heart of one of the critical questions for myself as a writer and creative.  For so many years I’ve been hearing from teachers, trainers, coaches, entrepreneurs, and marketing gurus in books, articles, videos, and blogs that the secret to making a difference to others is to find a void—a need—and fill it.

I’ve spent more time and money than I want to think about researching and studying and journaling about what void I might fill or what someone out there might need or value from me and my work. 

Finally, I concluded that while I may not know for sure what anyone else might need from me, I do know a few things I clearly need—and greatly enjoy and deeply desire:

  • Making art that expresses my best self.

  • Exploring ideas about the intersection of art, imagination, creativity, and spirituality—and about the grace and power to transform our lives that radiates from that intersection.

  • Connecting with others in ways that reach, illuminate, comfort, encourage, affirm, inspire, uplift, provoke and profoundly transform others and myself.

Rather than continuing to look for a void I can fulfill, I decided to just answer what calls to me.  This site is called “Daniel’s Eye” (partly because my name was taken) and is about what I see and how I see my life, the things I’m passionate about, my world within and without.  It’s a place to express what I see and hear when I look and listen carefully—and when I imagine—and to offer what I create from that seeing and listening:  Poetry.  Fiction and nonfiction. Photography. The material that I unearth as a researcher and student and seeker about all matters related to imagination and creativity and the creative life.

Few topics evoke as passionate a response from me as the subject of creativity and the power of imagination.  It has been the single most satisfying and compelling focus of my attention, my tireless study and research, and my work.  Like so many others, I see creativity as equivalent to life force, as both a calling and a spiritual path—and the most authentic way of showing up in this world. And I see imagination as the spark, the fire, the stream of divinity or universal consciousness or connection to Source that elevates and inspires and powers the creativity in us all.

All that said and to that end, this site is a place not only for sharing my work and ideas but also for reaching out and connecting with my ‘tribe’, fellow poets, storytellers, authors, artists, singers, seekers, creators, mystics, misfits . . .  my fellow “Blessed Weirdians” as author Jacob Nordby calls us . . . people like me who believe that more than anything it’s our imagination and creativity that saves us—and our world.



Novelist/Poet and fine art creator Dan Stone, author of the gay romantic fantasy novels”The Rest of Our Lives” and “Ice On Fire” (First A Dream Press, 2022), as well as Tricky Serum: An Elixir of Poems (First A Dream Press, 2022), and three other poetry collections, has spent the better part of his life telling stories and making poems--creating images with words. Whether in his poetry and prose or in his images, he brings a poet's eye and a storyteller's intuition to his work, looking for and conveying the connection between image and response . . . dream and memory . . . longing and gratitude. He currently lives very near the majestic Wasatch Mountains in Salt Lake City, Utah, but always with a longing eye toward the ocean and the seascapes that also feel like home.

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